My friend, Cristi, invited me to go to the concert. She won tickets off of the radio, so I was super excited to get to go! When I said yes, I had no idea the concert (in Houston) was the night before school starts. I was very tired, but had a BLAST!! We got home after midnight, and my alarm went off the next morning at 6A.M. I was really wishing I could incorporate nap time into my 4th grader's schedule. No such luck! I would not have traded it for the world. It was SO much fun!
The runner up David singing...AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The winner David singing, Hero. It's a song written about his brother. The initials on the big screen (that are on his guitar) are for his brother.
Here he is again singing....WHAT A VOICE!
Couldn't leave out my Aggie, Jason Castro! He said ,"Howdy Ags" when he got up there and left with, "Thanks and Gig 'em!" He did an amazing job. We also got to hear the song he tried out with. They couldn't show clips of it on AI because the artist never released it for him to do.